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Grant Guidelines




What is the process for submitting a grant? 


  • Discuss plans with a faculty member and an administrator from the Westport Community Schools as well as a board member from the Westport Education Foundation. Make sure the request fits within our guidelines. If a request involves a stipend, please explain to whom and how much to each person.

  • Submit a letter of intent along with completed application by email or in person.

  • First-time applicants may be asked to make a short presentation at a Westport Education Foundation Board of Directors meeting.

  • You will receive a written notification about the board’s decision and the level of any approved funding.

  • A written report must be submitted at the end of each year that states if the program, class or event achieved your objectives; include any details for use in the future.


Who can submit a grant? 


Any combination of parents, students, faculty, administrators and community groups may collaborate on a proposal. However, a faculty member and an administrator must be involved in any proposal, and both their names must be listed as part of the application. 


What criteria are used to evaluate proposals?


WEF encourages proposals that promote/demonstrate:

  • Learning initiatives beyond the standard curriculum and beyond required class/campus materials and equipment.

  • Research-based education innovation and related professional development.

  • Pilot projects that have a positive, transformative impact.

  • Community/school collaboration projects.

  • Engaging and challenging enrichment projects.

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM).

  • Interdisciplinary projects.

  • New approaches to citizenship/democracy education.


What type of projects/programs will not be funded?


Westport Education Foundation does not fund:

  • Event transportation.

  • Field trips.

  • Classroom and campus equipment such as Chromebooks, risers, sports equipment, etc.

  • Programs, projects and activities that are expected to impact fewer than 10 students.


Are there other organizations who might help cover such costs?


The following organizations in town may be able to help cover some of the costs not covered by Westport Education Foundation (links provided to Facebook groups):



Where do I send the completed application and attachments?


Email the application and attachments to or mail to:


Westport Education Foundation
PO Box 3213
Westport, MA 02790


Who may I contact with questions?


Each school has a WEF board member who can be contacted with questions:

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