WEF Volunteers
We are neighbors, parents, educators and full- and part-time residents who love Westport. Some of us have children in the Westport Community Schools. Some of us work in Westport. Some are retired and enjoy the opportunity to give back to a town that offers us so much. All of us believe that a great town and thriving community support the education of its youth.
The Westport Education Foundation relies on a team of volunteers who help us year after year with events, programs, board member coordination tasks — and so much more!

Get Involved, Be a WEF Volunteer
We are currently seeking volunteers to assist in a variety of activities. WEF sponsors a number of special events and programs. Become a WEF volunteer. We would like to get to know you!
Contact us at westporteducation@gmail.com or call us at 508-493-7671.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi