Donations are accepted and greatly appreciated!!
Please consider a donation to the Foundation. Your check may be made payable to WEF and sent to PO Box 3213, Westport, Ma 02790.
Click the donate button below!
All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
YOUR Donations at Work...
With the help of many generous volunteers and donors throughout the Westport Community,
we are able to continuously support learning initiatives beyond the classroom.
We are proud to Support the following Programs in 2021
Westport Elementary School - Phonics Readers
Westport Macomber School - Play To Learn / Outdoor Play Program
Westport MAC - Math Manipulatives
Westport Jr./Sr. High School - Boat Building
Westport Elementary School - Owl Pellet Project
Here are just a few examples of your donations WEF has funded in the past.
*Makerspace * Crazy 8's Math * 1000 Books Before 1st Grade * Destination Imagination (DI) * One School, One Book * Library Reading Challenge * DECA Conference * Westport River Field Studies * No Strings Marionette * Seaperch * Boat Building Program *
* STEM Afterschool and many more to come....
Drama Support including -
School House Rock, This Old Gingerbread House, Annie,
High School Musical Jr., Legally Blonde